Copyright © 2011-2021 Battery Chem is a trademark of A to Z Global Marketing Inc. All Rights Reserved
Rejuvenate your BATTERY
Tune up your BATTERY
Protect your BATTERY from Sulfation
Disclaimer: READ THE MANUAL. There are no guarantees that every battery will respond to the chemical treatment.
Battery Chem™ will not work with shorted, or totally worn out batteries.
"Our success rate as reported by users is approximately 70% of properly tested and prepared batteries, and by using Battery Chem™ the users automatically release the
manufacturers and distributors of Battery Chem™ from any and all liabilities including any injuries suffered from improper use of the product, or use by untrained persons,
or personnel."
Copy and print this form for servicing customer's batteries
(Your Battery Maintenance Company) Service Plan
Battery Chem™ offers this Battery Service Plan to its users for their own customers.
Users can utilize it as is, or as a guide to make their own custom service plan
Agreement Between (Battery Maintenance Company) and (Customers Company Name)
The (Battery Maintenance Company) agrees that for the sum of $500.00 it will initially test and treat one Electric Forklift Battery. For the additional sum of
$______ a month the (Battery Maintenance Company) agrees to perform a full service check once a month on fork lift battery number__________.
This is a per forklift per battery charge. Any additional materials, such as additional Battery Chem™ and distilled water required will be billed separately. The
charge is per forklift in the case of multiple forklift usage at a given customer location. Any additional repairs are extra and the charge will be determined
and pre-quoted by the nature of the repairs.
The (Customers Company Name) Agrees that due to the exceptionally low treatment charge of $500.00 as opposed to most other forklift service companies
charging as much as five times our fee that there is no extended warranty for the work performed by (Battery Maintenance Company) because not all
batteries, due to age and mistreatment etc., may respond to our treatment.
Our success rate is approximately 70%. We do our best to predetermine the condition of each battery that we treat. If a customer insists that the service is
performed even after the service person gives their recommendation that the battery has sulfated from misuse, and it is a gamble that the battery will come
back into running condition, then the company agrees to take full responsibility for the cost if at the end of the service call the battery is not able to be
The (Customers Company Name) agrees to hold the (Battery Maintenance Company) or the manufacturers, distributors or sales representatives of Battery
Chem™ totally blameless without any liability in the case of battery failures, fires, injuries, explosions mechanical problems, or any other disputes regarding
the service of their forklift or batteries as it is not always an exact science with a perfect outcome every time and batteries have always had a history of the
above problems due to employee neglect etc.
**Never smoke, or make flames or sparks near any battery and always use a trained service person. All batteries should be charged in a well ventilated area!
We advise all clients to purchase the monthly service plan which will help prevent employee neglect which is a major cause of all battery problems. It can
save you money in the long run.
I agree to these terms and conditions.
________________________ ________________________ ______________
Authorized Signature Customers Company Name Date